
Supplemental Instruction (SI) Video

Grace Maurer[Supplemental Instruction Facilitator]: SI [Supplemental Instruction] is really all about collaboration.

Zacharias Corwin [Supplemental Instruction Facilitator]: Students will say, “I don’t need SI and I don’t need to study with other people.” Don't even think of it like that. I think SI is made for anyone who wants to pass a class, who wants to exceed in the class, who wants to do whatever.

Grace Maurer [Supplemental Instruction Facilitator]: It’s a wonderful resource that is here to encourage students to be a part of a community.

Zacharias Corwin [Supplemental Instruction Facilitator]: The purpose of SI is to find a group to better your studying.

Mary Helvie [Supplemental Instruction Facilitator]: The purpose of Supplemental Instruction is to give students a structured set of study time that is facilitated by someone who has already been through the course that can help them.

Grace Maurer [Supplemental Instruction Facilitator]: I would describe a SI facilitator as like a collaborative partner

Grace Maurer [Supplemental Instruction Facilitator]: SI is offered, for free, for students.

Zacharias Corwin [Supplemental Instruction Facilitator]: All of it's free. And all of it is courses that students in the past have had struggles with.

Zacharias Corwin [Supplemental Instruction Facilitator]: Learning is crucial for everyone, the comradery is great. I have made a lot of friends through SI.

Mary Helvie [Supplemental Instruction Facilitator]: I can see that as I am helping them, they are less like, “Is this right? Am I doing this right?” And more like, “I know I got an A for sure this time.” Which just seeing that confidence, it feels so good.